
Dave 先生のプロフィール

Dave 先生
  • 出身国フィリピン
  • 居住国日本
先生名 Dave 先生
性別 男性
自己紹介 Hello, my name is Dave.

I am an English teacher in Japan. I have been working with Japanese students for some time now. I started as an online teacher in 2017 when I was still in the Philippines. In my three years with the previous company, I met thousands of Japanese professionals so eager to learn English! I sincerely enjoyed my conversations with them!

I came to Japan in 2019 for sightseeing then got back for work in 2020. I started teaching English to Japanese kids who are simply adorable. I used to not like sushi but I don't know what happened to me because now I can eat sushi every day!

Japanese and Filipinos share the same passion -- KARAOKE!!! I love singing. I can stay in the karaoke for hours. You can leave me there. It's fine.

Another thing that excites me is trying new food. So being in Japan is quite an adventure for me. I love desserts (ice cream!!!), street food, the huge varieties of ramen, and Japanese food that I never heard of.

Even going to supermarkets and discovering new finds for my taste buds is always thrilling.

I wish to visit as many places in Japan as I can. There’s so much more to this beautiful country. I haven’t tried skiing so that is on my bucket list for this year and of course to visit Kyoto!




日本人とフィリピン人は同じ情熱を持っている -- それはカラオケ!!!! 私は歌うことが大好きです。カラオケに何時間でもいられます。私をそこに置いていってください。何の問題もないですよ!




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